Sustainable Growth Alliance Will Select Featherstone National Wildlife Refuge as “2011 Regional Conservation Priority”

The “preferred option” of the US Fish and Wildlife Service is to remove the Closed signs and allow the public to visit Featherstone National Wildlife Refuge.   The Compatibility Determination (a science-based assessment) clarified that plants and animals will not be harmed inappropriately by wildlife-dependent recreation at the site.

In other words, fishing and birdwatching are legitimate public uses at Featherstone.  Just as at Occoquan Bay and Mason Neck refuges, the American public should be able to visit Featherstone.

The Washington Sustainable Growth Alliance (WSGA) is now highlighting this opportunity by choosing the refuge’s opening as a Conservation Priority for 2011. This important program recognizes initiatives that will encourage better conservation in the region in the broadest sense. Qualifying projects range from rural land preservation policies and on-the-ground conservation projects to urban “green” restoration initiatives.

The WSGA is a unique partnership that includes the Greater Washington Board of Trade and the Northern Virginia Builders Industry Association (NVBIA), as well as groups such as the Coalition for Smarter Growth and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.  Their support for opening Featherstone is welcome.

The WSGA will announce their 2011 Regional Conservation Priorities on Wednesday, April 27, 1:00-4:00pm, at George Washington’s Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens. We’ll be there and hope you can join us for this exciting event!

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